What is Normal Eating?So what is this Normal Eating all about then.. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to navigate disordered eating / eating disorder...
Introduction & Services!Hello! I’ve realised I’ve neglected my website slightly and don't think I've posted since the pandemic (how much longer can we use that...
BMI - A Good Indicator of Health?BMI - Is this a poor indicator of health? It’s one of the most popular tools used in clinical practice and apparently schools are now...
Reject The Diet MentalityIntuative Eating - Principle 1 - Reject The 'Diet' Mentality. I want to take you through the Intuative Eating process, as mentioned in my...
Food Addiction - Is it a thing?FOOD ADDICTION - Can you really be addicted to food? There’s always a lot of chat amongst people about how they’re ‘addicted’ to a...
How to have a Healthy Relationship with FoodWith the wellness world forever growing and the insane pressure on society to be ‘healthy’ and of a particular size, it is no wonder that...
Should I be taking Sports Supplements?It's something that I get asked about a lot, should I be taking supplements? Will they improve my performance? Will they make me feel...
Nutrition PeriodizationThe concept of periodization when it come to a training program is well known and well applied within sport. The link between exercise...
Should Athletes Fear Sugar?Sugar is very much a hot topic at the moment. Everything on the news and within the wellness/fitness industry would appear to brand sugar...
Summer body Diet?It gets to about the same time every year when people feel like they need to 'diet' to get in shape for summer/holiday. Yet these are the...